Since Chalet View Lodge is a destination wedding venue, our suggestions for the timing of sending save the dates and invitations is earlier than the industry standard.
Signage & Stationery Recommended Timeline:
- Guests can book room reservations anytime using a custom group code (it’s not case sensitive). CVL couples are recommended to book their room(s) first, then give the group code to VIPs (immediate family and wedding party) so they can book their rooms next. Only once they have booked their rooms, then put the group code on your wedding website and/or Save the Dates.
- Wedding Website complete and Save the Dates sent 8-10 months before the wedding.
- Invitations out around 6 months before your wedding.
- RSVP by date no later than 10 weeks before your wedding. This is earlier than the industry standard but falls conveniently with the time that final guest counts are due to CVL. This timeline allows for some extra time to call/track down any stragglers who have not yet RSVP'd.